Paula Lane (Kyley from Coronation Street) Becky’s revenge
Kyley and Becky were sisters but that had been at each others throats. Kyley had, basically sold her son Max to Becky. She left Coronation Street, but later returned with her new husband David Platt. Becky was not happy to see Kyley. Later, Max was taken away from Becky by social services when they found out about what had happened. Becky, partially, blamed Kyley for this. Kyley had always been the lucky one, in Becky’s eyes. Becky felt that Kyley did not appreciate the things that she had. Becky could not have children and Kyley has a lovely son, whom she neglected and left behind. Becky was very angry with Kyley. She hatched a plan to get back at her sister. She was going to get to totally humiliate her sister and she was going to love each and every second of it. Kyley, for her part, was actually trying to improve her relationship with Becky. She was tired of fighting all the time.
Becky texted Kyley one afternoon and asked if she could come to Rovers so they could have a talk and maybe try to work things out a bit. Kyley agreed that she would come over. She felt that she had nothing to lose and hoped that Becky had realized that Kyley had not been the person who informed social services about what had happened. Kyley wore her pink tank top, with her white bra and a pair of very short white shorts. She had her hair back in a ponytail as she had it on a lot of days. She had no idea what was going to happen when she got to the pub.
She walked over and let herself inside. Becky was there waiting for her when she arrived. “Hi, Kyley,” Becky said,” I’m so glad that you could make it.” ”Well,” Kyley said,” I was hoping we could put all of the crap that has happened behind us and look forward.” “Well, that is really what today is all about isn’t it,” Becky said. “Have a seat,” Becky said,” Make yourself comfortable. What can I get you to drink, on the house?,” Becky asked. “ Vodka and lemonade,” Kyley respond. Becky went behind the bar and mixed Kyley’s drink for her. She got one for herself as well. She fiddled under the counter for a minute while she prepared the drinks. “I’m glad you decided to come,” Becky said. “ thought you might not be interested.” “Well, we need to start from somewhere,” Kyley said. Becky walked over and placed the drinks on the table in front of Kyley. Kyley reached for her glass with one hand. Becky walked behind her. Before Kyley knew what was happening, Becky pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Kyley’s wrist behind her to the chair. Kyley put her drink down and looked back to see what was happening. Becky grabbed her other arm, clasped her wrist in the handcuff and cuffed that one to the chair as well.
“What are you doing? You crazy bitch. What is this?,” Kyley said. “I’ll tell you what this is you little cow. This is revenge. I am going to get my own back on you, once and for all.” Kyley tried to scream for David or anyone to help her. “No use screaming,” Becky said, “ No one is around to hear you. Even if they were, the doors are all locked and I have the keys. You are at my mercy. All you can do now is beg me,” Becky said. “What are you going to do to me?,” Kyley asked. “Don’t worry, I am not going to hurt you. I am just going to get some revenge for all of the things that you have done. You don’t really care, but you will be sorry by the time today is over, you can rest assured of that.” “Please, Becky, let me go. This won’t solve anything.” “Yeah it will. I am going to get the satisfaction of humiliating you the way you have spent your life humiliating me. Who knows maybe you’ll like this. You are a filthy little slut any way, so you might like getting dirty.” “Dirty, what do you mean?,” Kyley asked nervously. “Oh you will see,” Becky replied.
“First, I think we need to get some of these clothes off, we wouldn’t want them to get dirty now would we,” Becky said. Beckey walked up to Kyley. She grabbed her tank top at the belly and quickly tugged it off. Kyley yelped and tried to kicked her legs. She bounced her bottom on the chair trying to get it to move. Becky then went behind and unhooked Kyley’s bra. She then tossed the top and bra aside. Kyley’s hands were cuffed so she could do nothing to conceal her modesty except squirm around in her seat. Becky then went around the front and unzipped Kyley’s shorts. In one motion, she yanked them down her legs and pulled them off, tossing them aside as well. She then put her hands on Kyley’s hips as Kyley begged her to stop. She grabbed the sides of Kyley’s panties with her fingers and pulled them off. Kyley tried to push her knees tightly together, as best she could. “Surely you won’t be needing these,” Becky said twirling her sister‘s underwear on her index finger,” I am surprised that you even wear knickers, knowing what you get up to. Mind you, they are as dirty as one would imagine.” “They are not,” Kyley protested. “You are a filthy, dirty bitch,” Becky said,” You’ve probably had these on for weeks.” “You’re just trying to embarrass me,” Kyley said. “Oh yes I am, love, you have no idea. I‘d be nice to me if I were you. You are completely at my mercy. I can do anything that I want.” Becky teased her sister a bit, circling her like a cat. She stroked her hair. “I am going to really, really take pleasure in this,” she whispered in Kyley’s ear. “Please, Becky, I’ll do anything you say,” she whimpered. “Oh, I know you will love. You have no choice,” Becky replied,” Time to get dirty,” she said.
Becky disappeared into the back for a minute before returning to her naked, handcuffed sister. Becky emerged carrying a strawberry cream cake in her hands. It had strawberries, strawberry sauce, sponge, custard and whipped cream. It was thick and cream. “What are you doing with that,” Kyley squealed. “ I am going to cream you, good and proper,” Becket replied. Kyley tried to kick her legs and free her hands. All this caused was the cuffs to clank on the bars of the chair. She tried to scrunch her body up as best she could. Becky moved the cake around her hands, taunting her sister. “You are going to enjoy this, you filthy little slut.” She pulled back and pushed the cake into Kyley’s face. She was face to face with the sponge. So much so that it squashed her nose a bit. The soft gooey strawberries and creamy mess covered her face. Becky then lifted the cake and placed it onto of Kyley’s head, as if it were some sort of hat. Kyley gasped for air as the cake was released. Sticky strawberries fell from her mouth. Her face was covered in a mixture of strawberries, custard and whipped cream. It was a bright red mixed with soft white and yellow. It oozed down her nose. The cake stuff to her head. She could do nothing about removing it. Becky then grabbed a second, identical creamy cake. “Where will this go,” she teased,” Oh I know the perfect place,” she said. She walked up to Kyley. She grabbed her by one knee and forced her to open her legs. She then carefully placed the cake between Kyley’s legs. This time, rather then hitting her hard with the cake, she just pushed it in gently. Kyley closed her eyes and moaned as her sister took the palm of her hand and massaged the creamy cake into her gaping crotch. Kyley had to admit to herself that the wetness that she was feeling was due to more than just the whipped cream. In an instant, her lower torso was splattered in creamy mess. She could feel it on her chair, below her and on her ass. She squirmed in her seat, just wiggling about in the squishy cake.
Becky then went behind the bar. She grabbed one of the hoses behind the bar. “This beer has gone stale,” she said,” Oh well, better not let it go to waist.” She took the hose nozzle and pointed it at Kyley. She pushed the lever down and began to spray her sister down in a torrent of stale beer. She took another hose in the other hand and did both at once. Kyley closed her eyes as her sister hosed her down in beer. She aimed it all over Kyley, as if she was washing a car. Becky laughed at her as she sprayed her down in the smelly beer. The brown liquid cascaded down Kyley’s body. She tried to cover herself by lifting her leg over herself, but it was no use. She was slipping and sliding, almost falling and taking the chair with her. “You looked like you needed a good wash,” Becky said sarcastically.
“Hey, Kyley. I have a special treat for you here. We all know that everybody loves betty’s hot pot. Well, I have just found a wonderful new use for it.” Becky walked up to her sister carrying a huge casserole dish filled with the hot pot that she had mentioned. Kyley looked at it and turned up her nose in disgust. The hot pot contained in it sliced potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbage and meat all soaked in a brown, decidedly gravy like sauce. “A free meal, Kyley, on the house. Can’t say better than that,” Becky said. Kyley glared at her with a pissed off look on her face. Becky went behind her sister and began to empty the hot pot on her. Kyley cringed as she felt the thick, lumpy hot pot pour over her head. The thick brown mess slowly fell over her forehead and down her face. In a moment thick brown slop fell in waived down her nose and cheeks. She licked her lips to try to flick some of it off. Her whole face was nearly all brown now with mess. Chunky vegetables stuck all over Kyley. More plopped down her breasts and all over her front. Tons fell into her lap and onto her legs. Tons pooled in her crotch and under her bottom. When Kyley leaned forward slightly, more fell down her back and down onto her backside. Kyley gritted her teeth and stuck her tongue out. The feeling of the potatoes, carrots and cabbage chunks on her bare body felt totally unusual. It felt like fingers all over body. “This is disgusting!!,” she shouted. “By the way,” Becky said,” My camera phone is on over there in recording. So say hello to the internet. This will be online for the world to see in a matter of hours.” “You are a spiteful cow, you are,” Kyley said. “Wanna give a waive to all of your friends who will be seeing this?,” Becky taunted.
“Now, I know how you love a fry up, Kyley. So I have been very nice and made you one. All in a bucket. Beans, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding, tinned tomatoes, sausages, bubble and squeak, fried potatoes, I think there is even a slice of toast in there for good measure,” Becky said. Kyley gave a grossed out look. “That is mingin’,” she said. “Come on now, no need to be polite. You love a greasy fried breakfast. I’ve seen you at Roy’s and this one is on me. Well, actually, it is on you. Literally.” “Ok, I like a fry up, but not like this. Not over my head,” Kyley said. “Oh, but you are going to get it. Like the little chav that you are,” Becky said. Kyley tried to beg her off saying “Please, please.” Kyley closed here eyes, still dripping with brown hot pot. Becky raised the giant bucket. She then tipped it down onto Kyley. Bits of the various foods instantly rained down onto Kyley. Bacon and sausage, runny egg, mushrooms, tomatoes all fell onto her, sticking to her face and body. Baked beans and black pudding falling all over. All mixed together in a loose conglomeration of mess. Bacon stuck to Kyley’s head. Bits of bubble fell onto her hair and stuck to her breasts. Baked beans were everywhere. An egg oozed down her cheek. Black pudding on her nose, lips and crotch. When the bucket was empty Kyley looked like the picture contents of a local café. Bits of food stuck all over Kyley now.
Becky next grabbed a bucket of oat meal. “I forgot the oatmeal, for your breakfast, my apologies,” Becky said. She took a jar of raspberry jam and emptied it into the bucket of oatmeal just for fun. She then took the bucket and stood in front of Kyley. She swung the bucket a few times, as if she was going to toss it at Kyley. She watched Kyley flinch. The fifth time however, she did toss the oatmeal at her. It flew through the air and landed on Kyley. It went right on her face and all over her body. The beige, thick slop fell all over Kyley. It was very thick and very mucky. It was cold and sticky, oozing down her.
As Kyley recoiled in disgust, Becky went out back and grabbed the garbage can. “Here comes the trash, Kyley. It is trash just like you are. So, this is fitting.” Kyley sighed as Becky approached. She knew that protesting would not help anything at this point. She just wanted this over with. Becky took the garbage can and lifted it. Bits fell out, but she quickly thrust it over Kyley. She left it over her. Kyley shuddered and shook as her world went black, as she was waist up covered in the garbage can and its contents. The garbage can was a real one with real trash in it. It included banana peels, rotting vegetables and even some worms in the bottom. Becky left the can where it was for several minutes before returning. She lifted it up, releasing the rest of the trash. Kyley emerged dripping in garbage water and trash. “Groooooss!,” Kyley said. “It is time to take the trash out,” Becky said.
Becky quickly uncuffed Kyley and, almost instantly, pushed her out of the door. “See ya later,” she said sarcastically. She slammed the door and locked it. “Becky, please,” Kyley said. She pounded on the door. “Let me in.” Kyley then realised that she was out in the street in broad daylight, stark naked, covered in mess. “Oh my god,” she thought. She thought for a minute. What could she do? She would have to try to make her way home, and pray that no one was around to see her like this. She placed her hands over her breasts and pussy and started try to run back to the house, leaving a messy trail as she went. She looked down and tried to get home. She turned the corner and Norris was standing there. “Oh my god, what do you think you are doing, young lady?,” he said, feigning disgust. “Oh shut up,” she said and ran towards her house down the road. Much to her dismay, Tina saw her,” Hey Kyley, looking good,” she shouted and laughed. “Shut up,” Kyley said. As she made her way down the road, some of the local boys saw her. “Hey, Kyley,” Gary said. They whistled at her. She stomped in a huff to the house. She pounded on the door. “David, let me in,” she shouted. David, his mother Gail and grandmother Audrey answered the door. “What the hell, happened to you?,” he asked. “Becky!,” she shouted. “Don’t let her into my house like that,” Gail said,” Get her out back, She’ll ruin the carpet.” David took Kyley out back to the yard. She stomped back there. He then grabbed the garden hose and hosed her down with cold water. Kyley shivered and cleaned the mess from her body. Gail and Audrey watched from inside and chuckled about what had happened to her.