****This story contains nudity and sexual content. ****
Kate Bliss messy but not for charity
Kate Bliss had been approached in the past about getting
pied or gunged for charity, but she had refused to take part. This did not seem
right. It did not seem a very charitable thing to do. A few moments of embarrassment
could have led to a lot of money being raised to help those who really needed
it. For this, she definitely deserved to be punished in some way.
As luck would have it, by chance Kate ran into one of the
people who had approached her regarding this in the past. As luck would have
it, when they met, there happened to be a huge degree of attraction between the
two, especially from Kate’s point of view. Of course, at first she did not
realise who he was. She only remembered when she recognised his voice. She told
him that she recognised him from somewhere. He replied, “It’s a bit
embarrassing. I had spoken to you and asked you if you wanted to get messy for
charity and you declined.” She bit her lip. She was bit embarrassed. “Oh my
gosh. Oh yeah. I am so sorry,” she paused for a moment,” If I had known that it
was you asking, my answer would have certainly been different,” she said
stroking his arm. She then whispered,” If I had known it was you, I would have
let you do anything you wanted with me. I think I should make it up to you. I
should definitely be punished I think.” He gulped. “Why don’t we go upstairs?,”
she suggested.

The two headed upstairs. The sexual tension was palatable. When
they entered, she told him to go into the kitchen and have a look while she
went off to the bathroom to freshen up. He looked through the cupboards and
refrigerator and found quite a few containers of things that could be put to
some use shortly. When Kate emerged from the bathroom, much to his surprise,
she was completely naked. She was also very turned on as evidenced by how hard
her nipples were and how wet her vagina was. She was quite self-conscious of
her middle aged body. She walked over and passionately kissed him. She
whispered,” I am so sorry for what I did. I am all yours. Punish me anyway you
see fit.” Kate was a middle aged antiques expert. She was a bit of a nerd and
did not have a very active social life. She had not had a date or sexual
encounter in many years. She was very attracted to the younger man before her.
She could tell that he was attracted to her as well.
He took her kitchen stool and moved it out to the centre of
the kitchen. He helped her to move into position, bending over the stool. Her
deceivingly large breasts dangled downward. Her backside was lifted into the
air. She was bent over with her face in front of her.

He started with the pie that she should have received
publicly in the first place. He grabbed the pie in one hand and walked around
her, looking over her body. She looked up. “It’s ok. I deserve it. You can let
me have it.” He placed one hand on her shoulder and then leaned back before
thrusting the pie forward, smashing it into her face. He rubbed it round and
round violently. Bits of pie flew in all directions. She closed her eyes as the
pie collided with her face. It was a moment that he had been imagining for
years. It was just as good as he had imagined it would be. It was a moment of
catharsis as the pie struck the uptight and slightly self-important antiques
expert squarely in her face. She gasped as the pie was pulled away. Her face
was covered in a mask of sloppy cream pie. Bits fell down her face and down her
chest, some splatting as they hit the floor. She allowed him to take some
photos of her pied face. “I have wanted to do that for such a long time.” She
made a funny face, with her tongue on one side of her cheek. She was not quite
sure how she felt about what was happening, but the feeling of him pushing the
pie in her face was quite a sexual one. It felt quite similar to the moment of
Next he took a bowl of green sauce. This was like the green
sauce from Wild Animal Games. It was not really sauce, but more of a smooth
green chilled gunge. He brought it forward and then pushed her breasts down
into it, coating them in a layer of green sauce. He then pushed it back,
dumping green sauce over her blonde hair and down her back, over the rest of
her body. It splattered all over her. He dumped more of it down her back and
over her behind.
He then took a second pie. This one he took and went behind
her. He put his hand upon her hip and then leaned in, smushing the pie into
Kate’s backside and down the backs of her legs. She was pushed slightly forward
as she could feel the pie pushing all over her behind and vagina. She could
feel the creamy mess on her legs, behind and private parts. Her bottom was
covered in pie.

He then took a tub of ice cream. He used a scooper to plunge
inside and to scoop out the freezing cold ice cream. He then began to place
scoops of it all over her body. He places a few on the top of her head. He
stuck them in place there. He then put smushed one between her put cheeks and
in her crotch. She moaned and squirmed as she felt the ice cold mess on her
naked flesh. It began to melt against her warm body. He placed more into the
backs of her knees, her arm pits, upon her back on between her breasts. He then
took the mostly frozen slab of ice cream that was left over and smushed it onto
her head and down her face. It stuck sideways to her head as it melted.
He then began to spray her all over with chocolate syrup. He
stood a few feet away and aimed all over her body, covering her in it. It
dripped everywhere up and down her body. She could not help but smile and

He then took out a jar of apricot marmalade. When she saw
this, she stood up and then dropped to her knees. She took the jar in one hand
and grabbed his trousers with the other. Her messy hands fumbled with his
trousers as she attempted to clumsily unzip him. She then pulled out his penis
which was already quite hard. She then loosened the lid of the jar and plunged
her hand into the jar. She took a massive handful of the marmalade out and
squished it against his cock and balls as she called it. She slathered his
manhood in it. She then dropped the jar and shoved his sticky penis into her
mouth. She could not help herself. She had not done anything like this in
years. It had been a very long time since she had tasted anyone’s penis like
this, but she was so turned on that she could not help herself. She hungrily
wrapped her lips around his penis and began to suck off the marmalade as she
gave a blowjob. She held his shaft in her hand as she pushed it to the back of
her throat. He looked down in pleasure. He could not believe that it was really
Kate Bliss and she was really doing this. She then placed her tongue below and
let marmalade drip into her mouth from his balls. She then licked his hairy
ball sack clean.

As she continued to give head, he took a container filled
with strawberry yogurt and poured it down upon her and upon his penis in the
process. She closed her eyes as tons of yogurt was dumped upon her. At the same
time, he began to cum wildly, spurting sticky white cum all over her tongue
lips and teeth. He then spewed more upon her face. It mixed with the yogurt
that already was covering her face.

She then took a pie as well as she stood up and led him to
the bedroom. She said,” I think I should get to do it to you as well,” she
said. They brought some more of the messy items with them as they entered the
bedroom. She ripped open his shirt, letting it fly wildly and pushed his
underwear down as well. She tied his hands behind his back briefly using his
shirt. She then bounced the pie playfully in her hand before pushing it into
his face. “There, we are even now,” she said. She then grabbed him by the back
of the hair and wildly kissed him. She then threw him down onto the bed and
jumped upon him, almost leaping onto his penis. She still had his hands tied as
she rode his penis.
She then took pails of purple and orange coloured yogurt and
began dumping them over herself, the male on the bed and the bed itself. It did
not take very long before both to explode in climax, orgasming everywhere.
Their sweat and cum all over the sloppy sheets along with layers of yogurt and
other mess.
Kate had never orgasmed like that in her life. Her vibrator
could not compare to this. As they lay next to each other she told him that she
could pie her anytime.