Paula Creamer vs. Adam Scott
Paula Creamer and Adam Scott were both professional golfers
and were dating each other. They enjoyed teasing one another about who was the
better golfer. Paula loved to tease her partner that she would beat him if they
played one another. She would constantly go on about it. “I would kick your
ass,” she would say. He would just laugh it off, but it became annoying after a

Eventually, he broke down and addressed the situation.
“Well, maybe we should play then, if you are so confident. Then we wouldn’t
have to talk about it anymore.” “Are you sure you want that? How would it feel
to lose to your girlfriend? It might be embarrassing for you.” “Well, maybe we
should put a wager on it then.” “Oh, that would be fantastic. Let me think,
what would I like to do to you when I when. What kind of punishment. Oh I know,
what if the winner gets to pie the loser and then gets to pour a bucket of the
leftover food mess from the clubhouse kitchen all over the loser. I am going to
enjoy dumping it all over you. I would love that. To pie you and then dump that
mess all over your body in front of everyone.” He smiled to himself. He knew
that she was overconfident. He knew her game and how she played. He knew that
he had a fantastic shot to win.

When the day arrived, they both dressed in pink and white.
Paula invited all of their friends and family to watch this. She had been
imagining embarrassing her partner in front of everyone. The idea really turned
her on, to be honest. There was a lot on the line. Neither wanted to lose.
Everything was set up as they began to play the 18 holes. At the end of the
course by the clubhouse, a chair and a table with a bucket and pie sat on it
were in place. It was boyfriend vs. girlfriend. This was what was at stake.
Either Paula or Adam were going to end up getting humiliated and messed by
their partner. “It’s going to be me,” Paula teased. “It is going to happen.
It’s gonna be all over you. I am going to get to pie and gunge him in front of
everyone. I can’t wait to dump that mess all over him. I am going to enjoy
every minute of it.” Adam just responded,” We’ll see.”
The match was very tight. Paula tried her best to throw him
off his game. She relentlessly teased him and reminded him what was at stake. With
two holes left, Paula had a two shot lead. She thought that she had it in the
bag. Adam made up a shot on the 17th hole. Paula had a one shot lead
going into the last hole. They both made it onto the green within two shots.
All Paula had to do was to make the shot. She began teasing again. “This is it.
Get ready to get messy. This shot is going in.” She hit the shot but it sailed
wide. Adam sunk his shot tying it. Paula then had to make the next shot to keep
things tied up. She now began to panic. She was very nervous. She took the
shot. It headed for the hole, spun around and rolled out. She had lost. She
dropped her club. She was in shock as the onlookers applauded and laughed. Adam
smiled. She blushed as the onlookers exploded in excitement. She could feel a
tinge of instant humiliation surge through her body. She had lost fair and
square and she was about to be punished by her partner in front of everyone.
She shook her head in embarrassment. She looked at her partner in embarrassment.
Her reaction to the shot missing was already posted on social media. It had a
caption, “She has lost the bet. Now it is time for the forfeit.” She posted a
reply saying,” Oh God.” She was now wishing that she had not been so cocky and hadn’t
teased her partner so much. He was now going to be the one to get his revenge.

A plastic patio chair was brought out to the green and
placed near the hole. Adam used his hands motioning for her girlfriend to take
her seat. She looked at him and shook her head, but had no other choice but to
sit in the chair. He playfully removed her hat and tossed it aside to prevent
it from getting messed up. It was announced that he had won and he got the
pleasure of administering the forfeit all over the loser. She knew that she
would never live this down. She knew deep down that she kind of brought this
upon herself, but would not admit it. The cafeteria trash bucket and a creamy
pie were brought out to be used upon her. She sighed as she saw them being
brought out everyone cheered.

The pie was handed to Adam. He approached his girlfriend. She begged him
off, waving her hands. He was asked,” Do you have any qualms about doing this?”
“None whatsoever,” he replied,” She has been dreaming of doing this to me, but
I want to do it do her just as much.” Paula buried her face in her hands in an
attempt to hide from the mess. She was told that it would not work and she
would have to raise her head and put her hands behind her back. She had no
choice but to comply.
She grimaced and laughed as her boyfriend slowly approached
her with the creamy pie. She held her breath. She displayed it in front of her
so she could have a good look at what was about to happen to her. Paula closed
her eyes and braced herself as Adam pushed the pie into her face. Everyone
applauded and cheered on the moment of impact. Bits of creamy pie flew in all
directions. He playfully pushed the pie around in her face. He made sure to
cream her as much as he possibly could. She almost fell over from the chair.
Pie fell onto her breasts and down onto her skirt and onto her knee. When he
pulled away, it was revealed that her face was covered in layers of creamy pie.
Pie fell from her face. She just shook her head in embarrassment. She ran her
fingers over her face and hair. Her hair was streaked in creamy pie.

He then was asked to lift the bucket containing the restaurant
scraps and leftovers. He stood over his girlfriend and looked down just as he
was about to pour the mess all over her. He was incredibly aroused at this
moment. Getting to do this to her was similar to when they would have sex. He
was going to be dumping this foul smelling food waste all over her body in any
manner that he chose to. He decided to do something different to start out with.
He stuck his hands in the bucket and pulled out handfuls of the chunkier bits
including banana peels, bits of rotten vegetables and mash and rubbed it around
in her face. She sputtered and gagged as he rubbed the sloppy rotten mess in
her face.

He then lifted the bucket and began to pour the sloppy brown
mess all over her. It poured down her head and soaked her hair. More poured
down her face. Rancid food soaked her outfit. He then poured more all over her
skirt and bare legs. Her pink top and white skirt were terribly stained with
orange, red and brown food mess. He made sure it went all over her body. She
was soon bathed in it. He poured it on her body as though she was having a
sloppy shower. Everyone cheered. He took his time, managing to get it
everywhere he could. She could feel bits of food in her underwear and inside of
her top and skirt. She was completely soaked.
He was living out every guy’s dream, to totally trash their
girlfriend. Her athletic tanned body was dripping in slop. Layer after layer
covered her. It smelled horrendous. She had wanted this to happen too embarrass
him, but she was the one being covered in it. Bits of sloppy mess were stuck
all over her body.
She could do no more than brush some of the larger chunks
away. She stood up and turned around showing that her behind and the backs of
her legs were also trashed in mess. She dreamed of getting revenge on him for
this. She was completely trashed. She looked ridiculous.