Spidermen Revenge
There were two Spiderman franchises that happened within a
few years of each other. They were then followed by even more Spiderman movies.
There seemed to be an unwritten rule that there must be one every few years.
They still made a ton of money so the studios were not worried. They would
churn out repetitive films especially Marvel ones on a conveyer belt. Other
franchises tried to duplicate this and were usually unsuccessful Star Wars, DC
and Universal monsters all attempted to create cinematic universes. At any rate, there were two Spiderman
franchises within short order of one another. This produced two Spidermen.
There was Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield. They both had their detractors and
defenders. Each however had a main leading lady. There was Mary Jane played by
Kirsten Dunst and Gwen Stacey played by Emma Stone. They were both lovely,
sweet, gorgeous and funny.

A special show was set up where both actors would appear. It
was sort of half being the actor and half the character. This was going to be a
messy show however. The set up was that they each had their love interest in
the films. In the films, they were always trying to save the love interest to
some degree. The proposition was that now they were going to get an opportunity
to get a measure of payback on the ladies for this. It was a light-hearted, fun
show. They would have to do some Spiderman trivia. If they were able to answer
enough questions correctly they would get their revenge on the ladies.
Both pairs were welcomed to the show. The ladies were smiley
and giggly. There were tons of Spiderman fans in the audience getting to watch
the show, cheering them on. The guys were seated together and the ladies were
as well. The host shook everyone’s hands and took a seat in the middle. “It is
quite an honour to have two Spidermen in one place. This must be a first.”
“Yeah, I don’t know if we ever actually met before,” Garfield said. “This has
to be every Marvel fan’s dream come true. Is there a rivalry between the two of
you at all?” “Not at all. It’s actually more of a brotherhood. We both enjoyed
playing the part and wish nothing but the best for each other I am sure,”
McGuire said. “Yes, of course. We always root for each other to do well. Even
the DC movies. Like, we do not have a rivalry with Superman or Batman for
example. We all just want each other to do well.”

“We also have Emma Stone and Kirsten Dunst with us who
played the love interests in the films. It’s lovely to have you with us as
well.” “It’s great to be here. It’s always great to interact with the fans and
with each other,” Emma said,” Kirsten and I played different roles as well so
we like to think of each other as sisters in Spiderman rather than rivals, I
think.” “Yeah, it was so much fun making the films and when the ones with Emma
came out, I loved them and wanted them to do just as well as ours had done. It
is like a big family really,” Kirsten replied. “That is good to hear. It’s good
that everyone gets on so well together.”

“So, in the films, Spiderman is always saving the day and
trying to save you ladies a lot of the time,” the host said. “I mean to some
degree, but we are not always the damsels in distress that you may be
imagining,” Emma said. “Oh I don’t know, we both got into our share of trouble
and nearly died many times in each film,” Kirsten said, giggling. “Well, today
we thought we would give the two Spidermen a reward for all of their hard work
and effort. Well, we will be giving them the opportunity to earn a very special
reward. The reward is also a measure of revenge on these two lovely ladies
here.” They looked at the host and then at each other with surprise, wondering
what they could be referring to. “We are going to have short quiz about
Spiderman. There are five questions. If the boys manage to get at least half of
them correct, they are our winners and will get the prize. The prize will be
the chance to get your revenge on the ladies by getting to dump sloppy
leftovers all over the both of them.” Emma’s jaw dropped. Kirsten giggled. They
shook their heads as the crowd applauded. The guys smiled and shook hands. “Do
you think that you are up for that guys?”
“Absolutely,” they replied laughing.
The girls could only hope that the guys didn’t know their trivia.
The questions that they were asked were quite basic ones.
They were not going to have much trouble getting three correct. They got the
first two questions correct in quick succession. All they needed to do was get
one of the final three questions correct. The ladies looked very nervous. They
had their fingers crossed, willing them to get the questions wrong. They did
actually get the third question incorrect, but it was because they
misunderstood the question. The next question was one of the easiest ones
though. It was regarding who the person was who helped created the comic books
that always appeared in the films. It was of course, Stan Lee. Most people knew
that. The shook their heads when they heard the question because they knew that
the guys would definitely know the correct answer. Emma looked at Kirsten,
“We’re dead,” she joked. They both laughed. Of course, they answered correctly
and had won the challenge. The girls giggled and shook their heads. They were
in for it now.

“Well, it looks like our two Spidermen were successful. That
means that they get our very special reward. That also means that the ladies
will be getting something else entirely.” The ladies were dressed just as their
characters were known to dress. Their hair was the same way. Kirsten with the
red Mary Jane hair and Emma with the blonde Gwen Stacey hair colour. “I think
that our heroes deserve this don’t you?,” the host asked the audience. They
cheered and applauded. “Our two ladies are really going to be getting it good.
Guys can you please stand up.” The men stood up smiling. The girls looked up at
them and at each other. “Oh crap,” Emma said. The two were giggling. “I bet
deep down, you guys have always wanted to do this.”
The guys were each handed a sloppy chocolate cream pie. They
were thick with chocolate pie filling and then covered in whipped cream and
then topped off with chocolate sauce and chocolate shavings. They were
oversized and piled high with mess. The two ladies begged for mercy as the guys
approached their on screen love interests with the pies. “Spidermen, you always
save the day. Now it’s your turn to have some fun at the girls’ expense. When
you ready, pie them.”

The two men looked at each other and smiled. The ladies
waved their hands and pleaded with them, but in unison, they thrust the pies
into their faces. Everyone erupted in an orgasm of laughter and applause. The
pies were so overstuffed that when they were pushed into their faces, the outer
layer squished out and fell down their chests and bodies as well as over the
tops of their heads. The men felt a feeling of instant ecstasy as they creamed
their co-stars. The contours of their faces were covered in layers of pie.
Their dimples were filled with cream. Their faces were smeared with chocolatey
pie. There were globs of cream on their foreheads and cheeks. They held their
hands out in front of them catching some of the excess pie as well as the pie
plates. They stuck their heads together and stuck their tongues out laughing as
people snapped photos.
“Well those pies were very nice, but we have a bit more
planned for our lovely ladies today,” the host said. “How about some mushy peas
for these two.” Everyone cheered. They shook their heads. “Mushy peas. What the
fudge,” Emma uttered. Kirsten scrunched her adorable face up and Emma crossed
her arms and licked her lips as the guys were given large pots filled with
mushy peas. “You may let them have their peas,” the host said. The guys smiled
as they tipped their pots onto the two women. The green glop fell from pans and
flew down onto the ladies, splashing in all directions. The green glop fell
onto their faces and bodies. They shook their hands. Peas and water dripped
from them. They were soaking wet.

“The green is nice, but I think orange would go so well with
it, don’t you? We happened to have some lovely mashed sweet potatoes for them.”
“Oh no!!,” Kirsten shrieked. They looked up at the pots above their heads and
made comic grimacing faces. As they looked up, they guys tipped the pots over
allowing the thick orange mess to plop out onto their face. They landed in two
sloppy, stodgy globs on their faces. They guys took their hands and rubbed the
mess around on their faces. They girls flipped their heads forward and
sputtered, sending sweet potato sputtering from their noses and mouths.

“What about some nice baked beans to go with that ladies?,”
the host suggested. They shook their heads and waved their arms saying no. This
did not stop the guys from taking two jugs of beans in each hand and tipping
them all over the ladies. Bean juice soaked Emma’s blonde hair and slid down
her back and chest. Beans stuck all over Kirsten’s face. The beans soaked their
clothes and hair. Sticking all over them.
They then were given cans of canned macaroni and cheese and
spaghetti. They laughed as they held them over the ladies. Macaroni and cheese
for Kirsten and spaghetti form Emma. They took the cans in each hand and began
to shake them over the women’s heads. A massive lump of macaroni and cheese
stuck to the top of Kirsten’s head and oozed down the sides of her face and down
her noses and chin. She could only laugh. Emma squealed as spaghetti plopped
its way over her head and down her body. It smelled particularly disgusting. It
was all over her legs and chest and suck to her hair and face.

The two men shook hands and took a boy. The two ladies
looked at them and then each other and could only giggle in embarrassment. The
host then said,” Well done to our two Spidermen. I hope you enjoyed that as
much as the rest of us did. You really deserved that. How are you two ladies doing.”
Emma shook her head sarcastically, “Just.. wonderful, fantastic,” she said
sarcastically. “And Kirsten?” “I have never been better. I am great,” she
replied. The show then came to a conclusion. During the credits, slow motion
replays were shown of some of the highlights of the messing. The facial
expressions of the ladies looked even more amusing in slow motion.