Monica Seles the noise
Monica Seles was one of the greatest tennis players of all time. She wasn’t a classical beauty or a blonde model type, but she was quite cute and attractive in her own way.
She had been an admirer of Mr. G. for a long time. He was quite surprised when she contacted him on social media and began to compliment and to flirt with him. She mentioned how big of a fan that she was. The two started to heavily flirt. Mr. G. Had always had a question that he wanted to ask her. Even now, he was a bit reluctant because it was a very personal and quite embarrassing question.
He decided to breach the subject with her. “Umm, Monica, there has always been something that I have been dying to ask you, but it’s so embarrassing.” “Ahh, don’t worry, you can ask me anything, no matter how personal. Don’t be afraid.” “Well, I’m not sure if you know, but you are quite famous for that loud grunting noise you make when you are playing tennis. I was sort of wondering if you also make the same noise in the bedroom.”
She laughed, “Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t know as that has not happened for me in a very long time. I would have to that the answer is most likely a yes. However, maybe we could find out, if you are interested in knowing firsthand?” “Of course,” he replied,” That would be amazing.” “But only if I get to appear on the show. I have dreamed of doing that for a long time as well. Of course, he agreed to this as well. Getting her messy would be fun for them both.
On many occasions, the sexual activity came after the messy activity. This time, neither of the two could wait. They met backstage. Monica literally said, “Hi there,” and nothing else before she launched herself upon him. They started to kiss and touch each other wildly. They toppled over onto the floor as they fumbled with each other’s clothing. After that, everyone in the studio became aware that something unusual was taking place. Monica began to make her signature, “Ahhh Eeeee,” noise. The sound of this turned Mr. G. On very much which made them both go at it even harder. Monica blurted out, “Does, does that answer your question?” As the action grew in intensity, the noises became louder and louder. They were getting wilder and wilder.
Before long, people were knocking at the door to see if anything was the matter. “Oh my God, this is so embarrassing,” Monica said. Before long they both erupted in orgasmic pleasure. They kissed and then got ready for the show.
Mr. G. was proud to announce Monica as his special guest. She came out waiving and blushing a little. She was hoping that no one would realise what went on in the dressing room. Though, on the other hand, the idea kind of turned her on at the same time.
They went to the couches and sat down for a chat. As they talked, Monica eventually brought up their little secret. “I was just wondering if you were going to bring up what we learned backstage,” she asked. “Well, I was trying to be a gentleman,” he replied. “Well, we discovered that I make the same noise in the bedroom as I used to make on court.” She laughed and blushed, shrugging her shoulders. They crowd cheered and whistled. “It was pretty hot,” she said, shrugging her shoulders again. “And now the whole world knows,” he replied.
“On that note, should we proceed with the mess?,” he asked. “Oh absolutely, I am so ready,” she said. She whispered to him that her panties were very wet already. They walked over to the usual messy area. Monica was almost skipping with excitement. Her seat was all set up and ready. She sat down and made herself comfortable. She crossed her legs and put her hands on her knees, gripping her fingers together. She then looked up, smiled and batted her eyes. She whistled. “I bet I make the same grunting noises when I get messy,” she said. The two hugged. “I am so ready for this,” she exclaimed, giving two thumbs up.
Mr. G. Started the proceedings with an enormous bowl of fruit salad. It was filled with pear, peach, grapes and cherries in a sweet, sticky juice. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as he began to dump it all over her head. She made a satisfied grunt just as she felt the fruit salad fall onto her head. It stuck to the top of her head and all over the little hairs that were sticking up on top of her head. She ran her fingers over her face. The sticky juice soaked her top and parts of her skirt. Mixed fruit stuck all over her face, head and shoulders.

Next to come was a massive trifle. It had all of the traditional layers, making for a perfect messy item. There was a layer of jello with mixed fruit inside of it, a layer of cake, a layer of custard and a layer of whipped cream. It had to be at least six inches deep. “That looks delicious,” she said. She actually places Mr. G.’s hands in hers. She then pushed her face downward into the trifle. She smushed her face down into it. They then lifted it up and dropped the rest of it down onto her head. Blobs of it fell down her face and chest.
He then dumped a gigantic catering sized contained of ice cream over her head. The part that was partially melted oozed down her hair and face. Some of it was not fully melted. There was an enormous, partially frozen section that toppled down over her. It sat on her shoulder for a moment before falling down into her hands on her lap. She giggled as she pushed it about.
Next to come was a massive container filled with shepherd’s pie. She grunted as she felt it pouring down over her. Thick brown, meat filled gravy began to cover her hair and parts of her face. Some rolled down her neck, shoulders and chest. This was soon joined by thick, yellow mashed potato that fell upon her. When she tried to wipe some away, all she ended up doing was smushing it around more.
Monica was then finished off with some chocolate pudding that was poured upon her. She opened her legs a bit and looked up as it poured. Allowing it to pour all over her body. She smiled and licked her lips. She then stood up and pounced on Mr. G., wildly kissing him, nearly knocking them both to the ground. She then smiled and waved before kissing him more.