Monday 24 June 2024

Shotzi happy birthday


Shotzi happy birthday

Shotzi could be wild and crazy. You could tell just by looking at her. She had green hair and lots of tattoos. She was into all kinds of crazy and somewhat naughty things. She started getting into WAM. She began to love the idea of it. She then began to tell people all the time that she wished that she could be slimed etc. She said it enough that people began to notice. Her Birthday was also coming up. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something messy for her. Some of her friends who were also wrestlers decided to plan a messing as a surprise for her birthday.

The party that they were throwing for her was going just like a normal party would. She did not seem to suspect anything. Little did she know, she was going to get a very special kind of birthday present, one that she was going to love and would always remember. Everything was set up around the cake and singing happy birthday. Everyone gathered around to sing happy birthday. The cake was huge and had lots of cool green and black frosting on it. Everyone sang the song to her. Then, right when the song was about to end and everyone was about to clap, two of her friends grabbed the cake by each side and picked it up. They thrust it up into her face. They pushed as hard as they could. Shotzi laughed as her face covered in frosting and globs of white cake were everywhere. She had huge globs in her hands. She stuck her tongue out and laughed.

She really believed that the cake was all that there would be. She never dreamt that it would go beyond that. She was wrong, however. Two more of her friends came forward with a trash can filled with the perfect green slime. It was the kind that she had always dreamed about and it’s colour perfectly matched the colour of her green hair.

They lifted the can and began to slime her. The slime began to pour out all over her. She smiled and gave a thumbs up as she was showered with sloppy slime. It rolled down her face and over her front. It then began to pour all over her legs. The little clothing that she did have on got completely plastered with slime. Slime dripped from her face and hair. She was totally soaked in slimy green mess. She closed her eyes and took it all in. She ran her hands over her face. The slime just continued to fall. They made sure that there was enough to cover her completely.

Everyone then shouted out happy birthday. Shotzi smiled and posed. It was the best birthday present that she had ever received. It was a real dream come true for her. Although, some people thought that she was crazy.

Molly Querim fake mess 2 and 3

 Molly Querim fake mess 2 and 3

Sunday 16 June 2024

Leigh Nash mess me


Leigh Nash mess me

Leigh Nash was the singer for Sixpence None the Richer. She was not the most famous person in the world. The rest of the band was jealous though because she got most of the attention. In fact, people would sometimes think that her name was Sixpence and the band was none the richer. She was not attention seeking, but it was sort of inevitable as she was the only female in the group. Nonetheless, they wanted to get some revenge on Leigh for all of this.

They lead her to believe that they were making dinner for her. It was to be Italian food, which was her favorite. She sat done to eat and was very happy. She was glad that the band had gotten over their previous squabbles. They had been arguing over the fact that she was getting all of the spotlight.

The meal was to start out with a huge salad. There was an enormous bowl filled with salad and covered in Italian dressing. She told everyone that it looked very good. She did not wonder why she was the only one sitting down at this point. “Well, Leigh, we made you this dinner to show you exactly what we think of you,” she was told. One of her bandmates then lifted up the salad and asked if she would have some. When she replied yes, he responded,” It’s all for you.” He lifted it up and then turned it over putting it right over her head. All of the salad and the dressing fell out all over her head, sticking to her hair and face. She was absolutely speechless. She could not believe what had just occurred.

He then moved onto the main course. He was handed a large pot containing spaghetti and meatballs. Leigh took a deep breath as her bandmate lifted the pot and proceeded to dump it out over her head. It fell all over her. Strands of the spaghetti sticking to her hair and face. Sauce and meatballs sticking all over her. Her orange hair covered in orange spaghetti and red sauce.

Then it was time for desert which was tiramisu. It was in a little box. Her bandmate opened the box and then pushed the tiramisu into her face and hair. It was gooey and sloppy. The amaretto flavored mess stuck to her face and hair. She was blushing bright red.

Finally they sprayed her with bottles of red wine that they had shaken up. She was wearing a pretty white frilly dress, but by now it was all stained and filthy. The wine stained all the white bits that were still left on the dress.

Leigh was certainly humbled by all this. She took it all in her stride. In the end, it actually eased all of the tension in the group.

Liv Morgan fake mess 4

 Liv Morgan fake mess 4

Monday 3 June 2024

Loui Batley fake mess 2

 Loui Batley fake mess 2 

Zoe Saldana messy argument with…herself


Zoe Saldana messy argument with…herself

Zoe Saldana, appeared in a commercial that seemed to be on 24 hours a day. In the commercial she talked to herself in a mirror. It was quite amusing. She did make funny faces during the commercial. In the commercial, she wore a huge, white puffy jacket that was sort of played for laughs. She told herself that she looked like a marshmallow as well as a polar bear.

There was another version of the commercial that got even sillier. She told herself that she looked ridiculous. She then threw a pie through the mirror right at herself, hitting herself in the face with a pie. She rolled her eyes as the pie fell down her face. “Now you really look ridiculous,” she told herself.

“If you want to get covered in cold white stuff, why don’t you try this instead,” she quipped. She then threw the contents of a container of vanilla ice cream upon her. Zoe was in shock. Lashings of cold creamy ice cream were soon all over her and her new coat. Her mouth was agape at this. She could not believe what was happening.

Her mirror image then began to throw tubs of cool whip at her. They stuck all over her. She could not throw anything back, because it might break the mirror. She threw her head back and rolled her eyes.

“And here is some more marshmallow for you, marshmallow girl,” she told herself. She then tossed marshmallow fluff topping all over Zoe. It stuck to her hair and face as well as her coat. She was now coated in the white, gloppy mess.