Monday 3 June 2024

Zoe Saldana messy argument with…herself


Zoe Saldana messy argument with…herself

Zoe Saldana, appeared in a commercial that seemed to be on 24 hours a day. In the commercial she talked to herself in a mirror. It was quite amusing. She did make funny faces during the commercial. In the commercial, she wore a huge, white puffy jacket that was sort of played for laughs. She told herself that she looked like a marshmallow as well as a polar bear.

There was another version of the commercial that got even sillier. She told herself that she looked ridiculous. She then threw a pie through the mirror right at herself, hitting herself in the face with a pie. She rolled her eyes as the pie fell down her face. “Now you really look ridiculous,” she told herself.

“If you want to get covered in cold white stuff, why don’t you try this instead,” she quipped. She then threw the contents of a container of vanilla ice cream upon her. Zoe was in shock. Lashings of cold creamy ice cream were soon all over her and her new coat. Her mouth was agape at this. She could not believe what was happening.

Her mirror image then began to throw tubs of cool whip at her. They stuck all over her. She could not throw anything back, because it might break the mirror. She threw her head back and rolled her eyes.

“And here is some more marshmallow for you, marshmallow girl,” she told herself. She then tossed marshmallow fluff topping all over Zoe. It stuck to her hair and face as well as her coat. She was now coated in the white, gloppy mess.

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