Sunday 28 July 2024

Julianne Hough a little blue


Julianne Hough a little blue

Julianne Hough appeared in many films. She was very cute. She appeared on a show where a celebrity was placed in a gunge tank. A contestant was in control of their fate as they played a game that would determine what would happen to the celebrity. The contestant had to complete a task in 60 seconds or the gunge would come down all over their celebrity. The contestant this time was a rather tall gentleman about Julianne’s age.  The challenge was trying to hit basketball shots. Julianne was confident in the contestant.

“You can do it. You will do it. You have to do it. I don’t want to get gunged,” she laughed. 60 seconds was put on the clock and the contestant was placed in position. He had to make 10 shots in 60 seconds. As his time began, he started to fire up shots. He missed the first one badly, but the second one came closer. Julianne was cheering for him and telling him he had to do it. He began to hit some of the shots. Julianne cheered as the first went in. The time was a factor though. By the time he got to five, the time was half over with. He began to get tense because of the pressure. He missed the next few shots, but they were very close. He then hit two in a row. He was up to seven now. He then landed an eighth. At this point, the clock was down to ten seconds. Everyone began to count. He hit a ninth shot with about five seconds left. It would all come down to the final shot. He did not have time to set his feet. He flung up the final shot. It hit the rim and bounced off as the buzzer sounded.

As the buzzer sounded, some lights began to blink. Julianne’s eyes darted around. She looked around everywhere. Then, light blue gunge poured down all over her from above. She screamed. The contestant stepped backwards. The gunge poured down over her head, down the sides of her head, all over her lovely blonde hair. More began to pour down the front of her face and then down her shoulders, arms and body. She was showered in thick, gloppy gunge. Everyone roared in laughter.

When the gunge finally stopped, Julianne clapped her hands. Her big smile shone through. The rest of her face was basically covered in gunge. “Wow, Julianne. How was that? How do you feel?,” the host asked. “Well,” she paused, giggling,” It was actually a lot of fun, but I am feeling a little blue,” she joked, “And as for you,” she said, pointing at the contestant,” I’ll get you back for this, some how.” Of course, she was only joking.

Nelly Furtado fake mess

 Nelly Furtado fake mess

Sunday 21 July 2024

Sarah Lancaster short story


Sarah Lancaster short story

Sarah Lancaster was one of the stars of Saved by the bell, the new class. There was an episode when her and Natalia Cigliuti’s characters were after the same guy. They both tried to one up each other at every turn. There was a scene in the diner where Sarah’s character told Natalia’s that she had outsmarted her and had a date with the guy in a few minutes. Natalia’s character was very angry. She was so angry that she picked up a plate filled with fries that were covered in ketchup and threw them at Sarah. They landed on her head. The fries were in a red and white paper tray. They stuck to the top of her head. The ketchup rolled down her face. Her mouth fell open in absolute shock.

“Now you look perfect for your date,” she yelled. She then took a cheeseburger and a hot dog and smushed them into Sarah’s face. They were covered in cheese, ketchup, mustard etc. Everyone else in the diner grimaced. She then took a strawberry milkshake and poured it right over Sarah’s head. Sarah shook her head in shock and disgust as the pink, cold milkshake rolled down her face. Natalia then did the same with chocolate milkshake. She dumped it right over Sarah’s head.

She then took a banana split and pushed the entire thing into Sarah’s face. Sarah came up with the banana in her mouth and with her face covered in melting ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup and various other sundae toppings. Sarah was mortified with embarrassment.

Natalia’s character then picked up the ketchup and mustard bottles on the table and began to spray Sarah’s character with them, covering her in red and yellow mess. Sarah’s character screamed and stomped off.

It was a very memorable scene was taped and watched over and over again by WAM fans all over.

Monday 15 July 2024

Danielle Fishel Girl meets pies


Danielle Fishel Girl meets pies

Danielle Fishel played Topanga on Boy meets world. There was sometimes silliness on the show including WAM situations. There was also a spin-off of the show where the characters were adults. There was an episode where Topanga was plotting and planning behind her husband’s back. It was nothing serious, but provided a comical situation for the show. Her husband then found out about it. He was annoyed at her for her scheming.

It just so happened that a pie was present. He picked it up and started to approach. She said that she was sorry and begged him not to do what he was contemplating. He looked down and smiled. He was going to enjoy this. She tried to explain what she was trying to do. He just smiled again.

He then threw the pie into her face. It was an enormous pie and covered her entire head and shoulders. It circled around like a hallow and covered her bangs. There were little berries in the pie which stuck to her face as well. Her mouth fell open in shock. It was a classic pie in the face shot.

He then smashed one on top of her head. He did the same to her chest and to her behind. The pie plates stuck to her chest, behind and on top of her head. She threw her hands up, tossing some of the excess pie aside.

Her husband’s friend and brother then came in. They both picked up pies. They laughed and smiled. Her husband motioned for them to go ahead. The two of them tossed pies in her face as well. She shouted out their names. She then screamed.

After that, their old principal came in and he was equipped with yet another pie. He motioned that he was going to throw it at someone else before planting it in her face. She shouted out his name in shock. "M“. Feeney. How could you?,” she shouted.

Then the rest of the cast came in. They all had pies in their hands. One after another, they threw their pies at her. She could do nothing but stand there and try to shield herself. She was now completely covered in pie.