Sunday 28 July 2024

Julianne Hough a little blue


Julianne Hough a little blue

Julianne Hough appeared in many films. She was very cute. She appeared on a show where a celebrity was placed in a gunge tank. A contestant was in control of their fate as they played a game that would determine what would happen to the celebrity. The contestant had to complete a task in 60 seconds or the gunge would come down all over their celebrity. The contestant this time was a rather tall gentleman about Julianne’s age.  The challenge was trying to hit basketball shots. Julianne was confident in the contestant.

“You can do it. You will do it. You have to do it. I don’t want to get gunged,” she laughed. 60 seconds was put on the clock and the contestant was placed in position. He had to make 10 shots in 60 seconds. As his time began, he started to fire up shots. He missed the first one badly, but the second one came closer. Julianne was cheering for him and telling him he had to do it. He began to hit some of the shots. Julianne cheered as the first went in. The time was a factor though. By the time he got to five, the time was half over with. He began to get tense because of the pressure. He missed the next few shots, but they were very close. He then hit two in a row. He was up to seven now. He then landed an eighth. At this point, the clock was down to ten seconds. Everyone began to count. He hit a ninth shot with about five seconds left. It would all come down to the final shot. He did not have time to set his feet. He flung up the final shot. It hit the rim and bounced off as the buzzer sounded.

As the buzzer sounded, some lights began to blink. Julianne’s eyes darted around. She looked around everywhere. Then, light blue gunge poured down all over her from above. She screamed. The contestant stepped backwards. The gunge poured down over her head, down the sides of her head, all over her lovely blonde hair. More began to pour down the front of her face and then down her shoulders, arms and body. She was showered in thick, gloppy gunge. Everyone roared in laughter.

When the gunge finally stopped, Julianne clapped her hands. Her big smile shone through. The rest of her face was basically covered in gunge. “Wow, Julianne. How was that? How do you feel?,” the host asked. “Well,” she paused, giggling,” It was actually a lot of fun, but I am feeling a little blue,” she joked, “And as for you,” she said, pointing at the contestant,” I’ll get you back for this, some how.” Of course, she was only joking.

1 comment:

  1. Hey JRG do you mind writing a gunge story on Dianne Buswell where she ends up naked many thanks
