Saturday 19 November 2022

Kate Hudson surprised by Goldie


Kate Hudson surprised by Goldie

Kate Hudson was a big star who was naturally funny. She always seemed to enjoy having a good laugh. It was kind of hard to believe that she had managed to escape clean for so long. That was all about to come to an end, however. Her mother, Goldie Hawn, was also very famous. She wanted to get her daughter as messy as possible. She really loved the idea of it. Seeing mess all over her daughter and seeing her expression as it happened was something that Goldie wanted to see happen very badly.

She it up when they were both scheduled to appear on a talk show together. It was meant to be a show about famous parents with famous children. This much was true. What Kate wasn’t aware of was the fact that the parents would be getting messy revenge on their famous children.

The two were sat beside each other and they talked about what it was like being a famous family. The host then sprang the surprise on Kate. “Kate, we have a little surprise for you. We did not just ask you here today for a chat. We brought you here so we could allow your Mom a chance at revenge.” Kate smiled in surprise, taken a bit aback by what was being said. “Well, wait, what do you mean?,” she replied. “Well, Goldie, let’s show her,” the host exclaimed.

Goldie then proceed to pull a gigantic creamy pie out from under her seat. Kate’s mouth fell open as her mother slammed the pie straight into her face. She held her hands out in shock. Her mouth still wide open. The pie plate falling into her hands, leaving her face splattered in creamy pie.

Goldie then reached down and lifted up a gigantic bucket of light blue slime. She quickly raised it in the air and began to pour the slime all over her daughter’s head. The slime poured down over her blonde hair and face, down her shoulders and onto her body. She was frozen in shock as her mother delighted in dumping the slime all over her.

Goldie then finished the job by spraying Kate with squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard. Kate closed her eyes and raised her hands as well as one leg as her mother stood back and squeezed the condiments out all over her daughter.

Goldie pointed and laughed. Kate shrugged her shoulders. She was speechless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi can you write a story with chole kelly in which she gets tied up and gunged tanks
