Monday 5 August 2024

Lacey Von Erich this is so gross


Lacey Von Erich this is so gross

Lacey Von Erich was one of the Beautiful People. They were always bragging about their looks. She was not considered to be the best wrestler in the world, to put it kindly. She was disliked by a lot of the other female wrestlers who thought that she was only where she was because of her last name and her looks.

There was a scenario where the four Beautiful People were attacking one of their rivals in the ring. They pulled out buckets of mess to mess that person. They had a huge advantage until the rival’s teammates ran down to the ring for the save. They Beautiful People were not so tough when the odds were even. Their numbers game did not work this time. All of Lacey’s partners ended up getting thrown to the outside of the ring. Lacey was left trapped in the ring with the rest of the other team and the mess buckets. When she realised the gravity of the situation, she tried to escape, but there was no opening for her to get out. She was blocked on all angles.

The wrestlers looked at the messy buckets and smiled when they realised the position that Lacey was now in. She began to plead with them to stop. She tried to run, but two of them grabbed her and held her by her arms. The crowd was now cheering extremely loudly.

One of the wrestler grabbed a bucket quickly and through it over Lacey. This one contained light blue gunge. Lacey yelped as the gunge splashed all over her. It dripped over her head and all over her body, down her stomach and abs.

They then tossed a bucket filled with baked beans all over her. “This is so gross!,” she shouted. Everyone laughed as they watched this beautiful young women get covered in disgusting, sloppy baked beans. They fell all over her, rolling down her sexy body.

The third bucket contained what appeared to be rice pudding. They slowly tipped this one over her head allowing the pudding to slowly pour out, making its way down her face and hair and then all the way down her body. It was very thick and very lumpy.

The final bucket contained manure. The wrestlers teased her about how bad it smelled. They held their noses, waved their hands and said things such as, “P.U. it stinks.” Lacey shouted, “Noooooo,” as they began to dump the manure over her head. They stuck the bucket completely over her head, sticking it in place. She kicked her legs franticly for comic effect.

They finally let her go. Her friends pulled her out of the ring. They had been selling for the entire time. They looked at her in shock. She pouted and screamed, “Look at me! This is so gross!”

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