Sunday 15 September 2024

Mariah May short story


Mariah May short story

Mariah May was an arrogant heel. She was quite a nasty character. She did some really bad things to her opponents. She made herself the most hated female wrestler around. She loved to antagonize the crowd as well as her opponents.

Mariah’s rival and former friend was Toni Storm. Mariah had turned on her, trying to hurt her former friend. The betrayal was shocking and terrible. Toni decided to get revenge on Mariah. Heaven knows, she deserved it in the worst way.

Mariah was in the ring gloating about injuring her rival. She believed that Toni was hurt and would not be there in the arena. She did not expect to that Toni would be creeping up on her from behind. Toni slowly snuck into the ring from behind as Mariah was going off. She carried a pie with her. When she entered the ring, she tapped Mariah on the shoulder. When Mariah turned around, Toni decked her with the pie. Mariah was in shock. The crowd erupted.

Mariah screamed. Toni then took out a large bucket. It was filled with manure. Mariah tried to beg Toni off, but it was no use. Toni began to dump the manure all over Mariah. Mariah screamed and pouted. Thick brown mess poured down her blonde hair and all over her body.

Mariah was frozen on the spot. Toni then grabbed another bucket, this one was filled with slime. Mariah fell down onto her knees as Toni began to pour the green slime all over her. Toni wildly spilled the slime all over Mariah. Toni laughed comically. The crowd cheered her on.

For someone as self-absorbed as Mariah, the situation was completely humiliating. Toni pointed and laughed at her.

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