Sunday 18 April 2021

Natalia Dyer this is BS


Natalia Dyer this is BS

Natalia Dyer played Nancy Wheeler on Stranger Things. For some reason her character used the words; shit, ass, asshole and bullshit an inordinate amount on the show. It was really noticeable after a while. It was unclear if this was done on purpose or by accident, but it was something that the producers of Let Her Have It had noticed. They decided that this would be a really funny tie in to the giant flush. Natalia agreed to be on the show, knowing what that could mean.

Mr. G. welcomed her to the show and spoke about how great Stranger Things was and how disappointed he was that the next season was delayed. This was due to situations beyond anyone’s control. He then started into the reason that she was asked to appear on the show, apart from the obvious. “We noticed that for some reason, on the show, your character says certain words very often. Let’s have a look.” On the screen was then shown an edited clip package of many of the times when Nancy used the words, shit, ass, asshole and bullshit.” It was quite amusing. Natalia just laughed. “I must say, I never really noticed that before, but now that you mention it, you do actually have a valid point.” “Really? Or are you secretly obsessed with that sort of thing?,” he joked. “You know what? You got me. I just love talking about shit and asses,” she joked. “Nothing wrong with that,” he joked.

“Well, keeping with that theme, we have something special on our show that you may have seen before. We call it the giant flush.” She put her hands to her mouth and laughed. “I should have seen this coming,” she joked. “Care to take a seat?,” he asked. She shrugged her shoulders and laughed. She made her way to the giant flush and took a seat on the small toilet. She positioned her behind and her legs around the toilet. She looked up and giggled.

Mr. G. smiled and said,” I hope you enjoy this.” He then pushed down on the giant flusher. Natalia looked up as she heard the toilet flushing noise from above her. She then heard the noises of someone using the toilet and could feel a flush above her. She shut her eyes quickly and scrunched up her face as she could feel what was coming from above her.

With that, a gigantic tidal wave of thick brown gunge exploded through the giant toilet seat about her head and began dumping all over. It poured down all over her face and body, splashing brown mess all over in all directions. It splattered all over her down her jeans and on her brown hair. The brown, gloppy mess dripped from her face, down her nose and chin. Her gaunt features were soaked in sloppy brown mess. Her clothes were covered in splattered of brown glop.

She shouted out, joking, “You asshole. This is bullshit.” She then laughed as she ran her hands through her mess covered hair. She also rubbed some of the mess that was all over her thighs.

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