Friday 11 March 2022

Ava Gardner Femme Fatale


Ava Gardner Femme Fatale

Ava Gardner was one of the most attractive women in Hollywood in her time. She was incredibly sexy. She would be seen on screen in low cut black dresses and would date Hollywood stars. She was smouldering hot. She had a lot of roles playing a femme fatale. In one particular film, she played a deceptive, smart talking, jaded woman who lured the hero in. It was a classic film noir film.

In this film, however, it would come back to haunt her. She was not aware that the main character had discovered that she was planning to double cross him and planned to beat her at her own game. She lured him to a hotel room and was planning on pulling out a weapon and shooting him, at least knocking him out while she looked for information. The main character, was aware of this and switched the weapon for a toy one that would explode all over her if she tried to use it, covering her in mess.

They were involved in a flirtatious card game previously when she had then asked to meet him somewhere more private. She began to kiss him passionately, distracting him so she could draw the weapon. She was unaware that he had switched it downstairs in the casino. He allowed her to believe that she was taking him in. He allowed her to pull out the weapon. When she went to use it, brown mess exploded out of it all over her face, hair, dress and body. She screamed. He also had set a few more traps for her.

She fell over on the bed when she was squirted. When she fell back, she landed with a splash. She discovered that the bed was covered chocolate sauce and feathers. The hero then pulled a cord that then released foamy cream all over her.

He told her that you could not kid a kidder and that the pleasure had been all his as he slipped out the door, not before pulling a second chord that dropped creamy and sloppy fruit filled pies all over her. She screamed and kicked her legs as she cursed him, yelling that he could not just leave her like this.

The next scene saw her stomping through the casino covered from head to toe in sloppy mess. It covered her long legs, silky black hair and tight black dress. She was furious and embarrassed all at the same time.

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