Sunday 28 January 2024

Tina Fey some friend


Tina Fey some friend

Amy Poheler and Tina Fey were close friends who often worked together. They even toured together. They were both willing to have a laugh at their own expense. They were both happy to make a bet on something with a mess on the line for the loser. One of them would end up covered in mess. They each thought that the idea of messing the other was a hilarious idea. Each was counting on winning the bet. The bet itself became secondary to the consequences. These were built up over time, until everyone was talking about it.

They each made jokes about what might happen and how they did not want to be the one who lost. In the end, it was Tina who came up short, losing the bet. Amy was absolutely thrilled, as one would imagine. Not only did she escape the messing, but was going to get to mess up what was, essentially, her best friend. Tina could not remove the sarcastic look from her face.

Tina was sat down. She kept her glasses on. As she sat down, Amy already had grabbed a creamy pie and shoved it straight into Tina’s face. Tina had no time to react as the pie was shoved right in her face. It was pushed into her face with some force. She almost thought that her glasses had broken, the pie slammed into her face with such a force. She shook her head and stuck her tongue out. Her face and glasses were covered in pie. Pie had also flown backwards when the pie hit her in the face. Her brown hair was laced with creamy pie as well.

Amy laughed uncontrollably. Tina flicked some of the pie her way. She tried to clean some of the pie from her glasses as Amy readied a bucket of gravy over her friend’s head. She closed her eyes as Amy began to pour gravy over her head. She looked up as the gravy poured onto her pied face. It rolled down her neck and onto her body. Amy then pushed the bucket down on the top of Tina’s head. She left it there for a moment leaving Tina looking very silly indeed.

Tina was a respected person in the business and now was covered in pie and gravy. Amy then said in a funny voice,” Now we have the lasagne!” Everyone could see Tina gulp when she heard this. Amy took a tray of leftover lasagne and trashed her friend with it. If anyone had ever wanted to see Tina Fey dripping in cheese, sauce, meat and pasta, this was that opportunity. The lasagne rolled out in sheets all over Tina. Amy rubbed some of the larger sheets around in her face, covering her in sauce and ricotta cheese. Tina could only faintly sputter beneath the mountain of lasagne. A huge but of it stuck onto glasses and dangled awkwardly from one side of them.

Amy laughed and danced. She was enjoying every minute of this. She then finished her off with a bucket filled with coleslaw. Amy waved her hand in front of her nose, because of the rotten stench of the coleslaw. She then thrust the bucket over Tina’s head. Tina looked startled as she was blasted with slaw. It was poured all over her hair, face and glasses. There were mounds of it that collected on top of her head and on her glasses. Amy pointed at her friend and laughed.

Tina made a funny look, took a deep breath and gave a thumbs up as her friend continued to point and laugh at her.

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