Sunday 28 March 2021

Mr. Mayor


Mr. Mayor

***WARNING**** This story is not meant to make light of any political issues or protests or anything like that. They are serious topics and issues. This is just a silly messy story. It's not expressing any political view or opinion. Thank you. ***

Kyla Kennedy and Vella Lovell were two of the stars of the new hit comedy Mr. Mayor. It was a very funny show. Kyla played the mayor’s daughter Orly and Vella played one of his top aides Mikaela. They were both very funny and attractive in their roles. They were both of legal age as well. They each got laughs by playing off of the other characters. They were intelligent and witty, but also could be whiny and bratty at times as well. There were times when the show could get a bit silly and could sometimes include some minor messy scenarios. There was an episode, for example where Mikaela had avocado/fish thrown all over her by protesters. It looked like guacamole.

There was an episode where there were people protesting many of the mayor’s policies. Among them being; the placement of a garbage dump, adjustments to school lunches and leash laws for dogs. The mayor wanted to do something to appease everyone, but he could not change some of the policies because the state government had cut funding to the city and he had no choice but to make these cuts. He was as unhappy about it as anyone. Orly happened to be in the office on that day as well. The protesters were outside. Everyone was discussing what to do. They all went out to face the crowd.

The mayor attempted to speak, but he was shouted down. Mikaela and Orly got up and tried to speak. Mikaela chimed in saying that they were being unreasonable and silly. The crowd thought she was coming off as condescending and patronising. They got angrier and angrier. She said that there was nothing wrong with the policies and that she had written them herself. The crowd angrily booed her. Orly then piped in telling them all to shut up. The two of them were getting the crowd more agitated. The Mayor then chimed in asking what could be done to appease them. Some of the angry crowd members pointed at Orly and Mikaela. They looked at one another. Their eyes widened and they gulped.

The scene cut to the two of them positioned together sitting in a bath tub with everyone gathered around watching. They were both wearing skirts. Their skirts hitched up as they sat in the tub. “I can’t believe this,” Michaela said, rolling her eyes. Orly shook her head in bratty anger. She was always a moody and temperamental character. She was always whining and complaining. All they could do was shake their heads in disgust and anger.

The protesters were going to give them a taste of their own medicine. They say these two as spoiled brats. They believed that because they were not as rich, the cuts affected them more. The crowd was chanting. They brought out some items representing each of the problems. They were going to get payback on these two ladies.

They started with the disgusting, poor quality, cheap school lunches from the school cafeterias. They were going to show these ladies just how disgusting the lunches in the schools really were. “Ick, the lunches in school are so gross,” Orly exclaimed. Michaela grimaced. Audience members took large jugs filled with leftovers of school lunches mixed together and began to pour them over the two ladies. They squealed and shrieked as the disgusting school dinners were poured over them. They poured down over Mikaela’s curly dark hair and all over Orly’s long blonde hair and down their revolted faces. More poured down their bodies and all over their legs. They were being bathed in mounds of revolting school lunch. Globs of revolting food stuck all over their faces and bodies. They looked at each other making disgusted faces.

To represent the dog issue, the protesters produced cans of disgusting dog food. They passed the cans forward and one by one, dumped the stinky dog food all over the two ladies. They screamed as dog food was dumped over their heads. The protesters laughed as they dumped dog food all over their bodies. They stuck their tongues out miming as if they may be sick. This was humiliating for them as well as revolting. The fact that they were being covered in dog food of all things was completely embarrassing.

Staff members who Mikaela managed looked on and laughed as they watched her get covered in dog food. They did not really respect her as they should have done to begin with. Finally, to illustrate the issue with the garbage, the protesters produced just that, bags of garbage that were left in the community, overflowing. They were now going to show these two what it was like.

They passed the bags of trash forward and then began to tear them open and to dump the trash over Mikaela and Orly. The women closed their eyes as garbage began to be poured all over them. The trash was really. It was mainly discarded, rotten food and food waste such as banana peels. The shots were then shown in slow motion of each of the women’s hilarious faces as the garbage began to pour over them. Orly was shown first given a pained and shocked look before closing her eyes as a deluge of trash poured over her. Mikaela was then shown giving a surprised face, looking around and then up as the trash hit then closing her eyes as the trash covered her.

The garbage stuck all over their bodies. Their legs and clothes were covered in a slathering of trash along with the school dinners and dog food that had come before. The mayor and the other staff had run off earlier. The two women were livid. Some of Orly’s friends turned up and were laughing and pointing as they witnessed this. They took pictures on their cell phones and joked that they were posting them all over social media.

They were shown stomping into the office dripping in trash. They looked livid. They were told that they needed to go to the bathroom to clean off.


  1. I hope see and/or reply to this comment! I love this so much I hope do more Kyla Kennedy either as herself or her character Orly because Kyla is fucking adorable as all hell!! Please

    1. Thanks so much. I will try to do more. She is really sexy and cute and her attitude suits it a messing as well.

    2. You’re very welcome! Oh yes I hope for a few more stories of her in the future you’re correct she really is sexy and cute fucking perfect! Oh yes I agree her attitude does suit a mess very well that nice long blonde hair covered it gross and stinky stuff that will take months to get the smell out of,h_894,q_70,strp/2abaff20_2d11_48d4_95b7_7f842933818f_by_mrmeow1000_deunqnd-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzBlMjllYTZhLWE0MGMtNDQxMy1iYTgwLTk0ODE3YjY2ZmQ4ZVwvZGV1bnFuZC04YzE2ZjA1NC1lMjU4LTQyOGQtODdjOS00ZTMxYTNiMDRlYzQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ._zWQFtZMGeyGtCIcYlqUUTP6bJC8Dwau1lhSBYwb1Nc so beautiful

  2. Need more Orly

  3. Please more of her
