Saturday 14 May 2022

Carrie Underwood slime is a good thing


Carrie Underwood slime is a good thing

Carrie Underwood was a very sweet and attractive singer that sang country, but also crossed over from time to time. She had a fantastic appeal. She seemed like a very nice person and was very talented and humble. She loved her fans, children and enjoyed giving back. She was set to appear on the Kid’s Choice Awards. She was asked if she would be willing to be slimed on the show. She actually agreed without much of a discussion. It seemed like a lot of fun to her. She might even enjoy it on some level.

On the evening she wore an expensive looking silver dress. She looked fabulous with her soft blonde hair and tanned skin. She also had an enormous, adorable smile. She looked almost perfect as she walked up on stage to present an award. She smiled and waved as she was announced. She looked genuinely happy to be there.

She began to talk as she stood on her marker on stage. There was an exact spot that she was supposed to stand on in order to ensure the perfect sliming. She looked up and smiled. She began to speak. “I am so happy to be here. Are y’all having a good time?” The audience cheered. She smiled and clapped. “This has been such a great night already, but we are about to kick things into high gear with a performance from.. Hey what’s that? I think I hear something.”

Something was moving above her. She looked around. The audience told her that it was above her. It was kind of like a pantomime bit. “Where?,” she asked,” Look up? Should I look up?” As she looked up in the air, the famous green slime came pouring down all over her. The audience cheered. She looked forward and then down as the slime continued to pour down upon her. It poured down her lovely, soft, golden hair, down her face, her shoulders and down her dress. She shook her head a bit as the slime continued to heap upon her for, what seemed like, minutes.

When it finally came to a stop, the crowd cheered wildly. Carrie sighed and shrugged her shoulders. She wiggled her lips and her nose. She brushed back her hair. Other than that, she did not give much of a reaction. She just started back talking again, presenting. “As I was saying… before being so rudely interrupted, I might add. You know what? This isn’t so bad. I think I might write a song called, slime is a good thing.”

She went backstage and to the press where she was interviewed still covered in slime. She told the media that it was a lot of fun and everyone had a good laugh. She put over how she enjoyed putting smiles on people’s faces.

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