Thursday 20 January 2022

Kerry Katona purple hair

Kerry Katona purple hair

Kerry Katona had a lot of changes in her look and style over the years. She almost always looked hot though. She always looked better when she was chubby. There were times when she was all muscle, which was not as nearly attractive. At this time she had purple hair. She was always a bit of a chav. 

Kerry was doing an appearance at a local night club. It was something that minor celebrities like her would do from time to time to make some extra money. It was fun and was a very easy way to earn a bit of money. This was going to be a very special experience, however. She was billed as a very special VIP guest. Little did she know that this club had a history of playing practical jokes on their special guests. The owners and the patrons found this very funny. When she was called the VIP guest, they all knew what this really referred to.

Kerry was welcomed to the stage by the mc. Everyone cheered for her when she appeared. She smiled and waved. She said hello to the city that she was in on the microphone. She then asked if they were ready for a good time. They all smiled and cheered. Little did she know what that good time would really entail. The mc then started again. He said,” We are so pleased to have Kerry Katona with us tonight. It is an honour. As our regulars will know, we have a bit of a tradition around here. We always plan an extra special surprise for our very special guests.” “That sounds lovely,” Kerry responded. She figured that she would get lots of free alcohol. She never suspected what he was really referring to.

“Tonight is no different. We have a huge surprise for Kerry, don’t we gang?” Everyone cheered again. Kerry looked genuinely excited.  “Let’s bring it out guys,” he said. At this point, something under a sheet was wheeled out onstage. Kerry looked even more excited than she had before. “Wow, that’s a big one,” she said. She thought maybe it was some hunky guy or something. “Well, why don’t you remove the sheet and find out what we have for you,” the mc suggested.

Kerry eagerly pulled the sheet away, but her mouth fell open when she saw what was beneath the sheet. It was a large gunge tank brimming with sloppy gunge. “Isn’t that fabulous?,” the mc joked. “And it is just for you. You really, really deserve it,” he joked. Kerry stumbled over words,” But……can’t,” she blithered. He then shouted,” Who wants to see Kerry in there?” They all cheered. He opened the door and walked her inside. She could not do much to resist. The tank looked very similar to the one used on Noel’s Saturday Road Show. It may have been a recycled one.

Kerry still had a glass of champagne in her hand. She pouted and waived as the cord was pulled. Down upon her rained a mix of light blue and purple gunge. She closed her eyes and screamed, still holding the champagne glass. The soft, slimy mess poured down her face and down her sexy curvy body. Before long her enormous breasts and thighs were covered in sloppy gunge. She wiggled her nose and mouth around as the gunge covered the top of her head. The whole club roared with cheers and laughter.

For Kerry it seemed to go on for ages. When the gunge trickled to a stop, she was allowed out of the tank. She was covered in gunge. It dripped from her body everywhere. She pointed at the mc and joked, “I’m never flipping coming here ever again.”

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